
Because of the unique spelling of my first name, ever since I showed up here at MSOE, my peers have called me e-Rich. If you can’t tell from how that’s typed out, the pronunciation is similar to that of e-Mail, e-Commerce, and so forth…e-Rich. With the exception of, I believe, one telemarketer (who pronounced my name “Ereesh” or something like that) everyone has always pronounced my name as it should be pronounced – just like you would pronounce Eric, Erik, or Erick. That is, until today. I walked into Technical Composition a few minutes before 4 this afternoon and my teacher called roll. When she got down to my name, she said with a bit of hesitancy in her voice, “e-Rich.” This really threw me off guard, as she not only was the first teacher, or person, for that matter, to seriously pronounce my name like that, but she also pronounced it correctly on Monday. I politely corrected her and noted that she could call me e-Rich if she wanted, because all my friends do.

Anyway…I thought that was pretty funny. I’m always bad at telling stories so it probably seems dumb to you. But that’s okay. Deal with it! Blogger Smiley

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