Last night Stan and I were bored, so we drove around, like we always do when we’re bored. But this time, we brought a camera. We rode around West Chicago, Wheaton, Naperville, Warrenville, and who knows where else, stopping at random spots, posing and then shooing pictures. Stan has done a nice job of creating a Photo Gallery script these past few days and has already put up the pictures we took last night. I can’t really say that these are senior-picture quality photos, especially since I selected my apparel according to our plan to go for a bike ride, but hopefully they’ll give you a nice laugh. Sorry for those of you with slower internet connections…Stan insisted on putting up the full quality image, in case you want to print or something?
In the process of writing this entry, I had the following conversation on MSN:
(10:28:59) (Name removed for Anonymity): what r u doing
(10:29:05) Erich Musick: posting in my blog
(10:29:41) (Name removed for Anonymity): whats blog???
(10:29:49) Erich Musick: online journal
I thought everyone knew what a blog was.
Oh do-do brain… I said I wasn’t going to reduce the quality. Nock your silly self out and give it a go.
Oh…I thought you were opposed to the idea of shrinking them.
I’ll ty and get around to that one of these days.