
Around Thanksgiving, it is common practice for people to contemplate and discuss those things for which they are thankful. As my family ate dinner this afternoon, my dad narrowed the scope of the topic by asking the question, “What are you thankful for that you weren’t thankful for last year?” This question brought new meaning to those things for which I’m thankful because it creates a basis for comparison. Rather than simply listing things for which I’ve always been thankful, it forced me to think of what God has done in my life over the past year, of those things for which I can give Him thanks this year that I couldn’t in the past.

I know it seems cliche, but I’m thankful in an even greater way than in past years for God’s work in my life. It’s tough to put a finger on precisely everything that God has revealed to me in the past year, but as I grow older, I can see His hand in my life in stronger and stronger ways.

I’m thankful for my family more so than in previous years. I’ve done a lot of thinking the past few days and weeks come to realize that I really have it easy, as far as my family goes. While we aren’t perfect, we don’t have any major problems causing constant dissension among us. We may argue now and then, but I know my parents and my brother and sister all love me. I’m thankful for the way my parents support me in my endeavors – whether with regards to school, computers / work, girls, or just life in general they’re always there to point me in the right direction.

I’m grateful for the friendships I have formed and cultivated this year. While I’ve always been thankful for friends at school and at home, having known each of my friends for a greater length of time allows us to have closer relationships, deeper discussions, and more good memories together.

Some of the friends I am most thankful for are Adam, Anthony, Ryan, and Lydia. While I knew Adam last year, rooming with him this year has allowed me to do a lot more with him, get to know him even better, and learn a lot from him. Even though Scott seems to have this notion that any two roommates will have disagreements now and then, Adam and I get along extremely well. Ryan, since he lives on campus this year, is around slightly more frequently. He’s provided me with much advice, for which I am indebted to him. Anthony, as a freshman, is one of the new guys this year and he’s been a great neighbor and friend. I’ve enjoyed getting away from school and discussing all sorts of issues with him. Then, there’s Lydia. It’s really hard to put into words all I’m thankful for with regards to her. She’s an amazing woman of God and has been a great friend to me these few months I’ve gotten to know her. I’m thankful that, like some other friends of mine, she’s not afraid to discuss deep issues, things that matter. She goes beyond what’s on the surface and delves into the heart of issues. There’s so much more to say, but I’ll leave it at that for now.

One guy I (intentionally) forgot in that list of friends is Stan. Because we’ve both been busier with school and certain female friends this year, we haven’t had as much time to hang out or even talk. But, I’m thankful that despite time spent apart, we can still hang out as if we’d been hanging out every day for the past six years. Time spent with Stan is always time well spent and I continue to learn and have fun with him.

Last March, I bought a car for $250. This car has taken me 12,000 or more miles and I’m thankful for God’s provision in this regard. Having a car makes working, getting to and from school, and going places with friends significantly easier and I’m thankful not only that God provided me with the car, but did so at minimal cost and repairs.

I guess all I’m thankful for could be summarized by God’s provision – the people God puts in my life and the material things He gives to me for survival and ease of living. In reality, God’s provision is no different than it has been in the past. I’m just seeing it in new and exciting ways and am grateful to Him for each and every one of them.

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