I got back a little while ago from the Illinois FBLA (Future Business Leaders of American) State Leadership Conference, where I competed in the web site development competition with Stan and Brian Nelson. We actually completed the web site about a month ago, as we were required to “turn it in” and make no further changes after February 28. Well it turned out that we won first place, which means we get to go to the National Leadership Conference in June, which is being held this year in Dallas. Seeing as I’ve never been to Texas, that should be an interesting experience and, as always, an enjoyable trip. Due to the fact that we don’t want to give the competition an advantage by allowing them to see our web site, I am not placing a link to it. After the NLC, I’ll do that, though, so you all can see it.
One more day of spring break left . Oh well, the FBLA conference was nice – it was the first break I’ve had all week, as I’ve been very busy with a variety of activities.