I’ve been told I should post on here again, as it’s been a while since I’ve said anything about what I’ve been up to lately. In short, I’ve been busy with homework and friends and my web projects including this web site have pretty much dropped to the bottom of my priority list. Stan sent me an update for PageSite and I’d like to set up my web site with that one of these days, but when I find free time, I end up spending it in other, more exciting ways. Maybe I’ll try and get on here once in a while and write a little more about what’s going on with me.
I put up a page as a launch-pad for my dad’s web sites. This is my attempt to connect his different web sites to one another, not only for the sake of search engine rankings, but also so that people can have one central location from which they can find any of his other projects.
This past weekend I went home and did a bunch of work. I set up DSL for Creative Change, did some networking, and helped Bob Kay with his beer label web site. It was good, though the weekend went by quickly. It was nice to make some money instead of spending it for once. I’m going home this weekend again to do some more work and watch my brother’s last cross country race.
Tomorrow I have an EE-201 test (Linear Circuits) … that should be interesting. I’m going to go for a run in a little bit then do some studying with Adam for that exam. Pray that it goes well!
God bless!
Wow… another long stretch of no info on Erich’s life. I’m depressed.
What are you up to Mr. Erich Musick? Do tell!