Summer is Here

Stan complained to me over the weekend that I fell off the face of the earth, or at least as far as my posting goes. I tried to use the excuse that girls will do that to you. Stan, being the young engaged man he is didn’t complain, but I don’t know that my explanation was completely accurate.

You see, going to an engineering school takes out some of that ability to write creatively…when you sit and write huge lab reports about why you used accumulator x as opposed to y (CS-280 final exam), you just don’t have any energy when it’s all done and over with to write anything else. Granted, that doesn’t mean I don’t wish I could do it more frequently. I even told my mom this weekend that I miss doing some of the writing I did in high school and in some of the gen-ed classes here at MSOE. But, I’m finding that after spending 8 hours working on MSOE‘s web site that I enjoy getting outdoors, away from the computer. Just a note – I did enjoy getting outdoors before I took this job – ask Lydia if you don’t believe me. The pale skin – that’s just a result of a lot of 45 SPF sunscreen and not wanting to look like a raisin.

Anyway…last Thursday, I took my last final and headed on home for a long weekend before coming back to school to work in the Marketing Department as a Student Web Assistant. I spent a fair amount of time catching up with my mom and dad … funny I have to put it that way. I guess I just don’t talk to them a whole lot and there’s a lot that goes on while I’m gone that I need to get off my chest. Some of it, too, was just basic business – stuff related to my dad’s web site and it’s rank on Google. Just a side note – a few days after I posted about the Torsion Spring Replacement page, it went up to 1 or 2 on Google, depending on keywords used.

Friday afternoon, I rode the train into Oak Park, where Stan picked me up. He, too, is working for his school this summer doing similar work to mine. We spent a few hours moving his belongings from his old room to his nice, air conditioned summer room. After grabbing some dinner from Portillo’s, we finished off the moving and hung out, snacking on Drumsticks, hot dogs, and Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper while messing around on the computer. I failed to bring any type of bedding, thinking Stan would be prepared for any and everything, so I got to sleep on his tiny couch with the quilt Sara made for him covering my gangly arms and legs. We arose early so we could get back home in time for Stan to get to his doctor’s appointment.

Okay … so I originally had written more, but a bug in BlogSCL caused some of it to get deleted. I don’t really feel like re-writing the rest of what I had to say. After all, it wasn’t that much anyway, so don’t worry about it too much.

2 thoughts on “Summer is Here

  1. Stan

    I would like to point out that the bug has been fixed and it was only temporary. The bug in no way shape or form effects the integrity of the application, BlogSCL, or the programmer Stan Lemon.


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