So while we were out eating at the mall tonight, Jon Dickman commented that the only way a burrito better than Chipotle‘s could be made would be if Google made it.
So while we were out eating at the mall tonight, Jon Dickman commented that the only way a burrito better than Chipotle‘s could be made would be if Google made it.
hey there! I’ve just discovered your site. Google makes great stuff, but chipotle is hard to beat, especially when it comes to the hot sauce. I wounder what google hot sauce whould taste like…
Is it not true that Google provides food to it’s staff – and that their on-site catering would also make burritos? (hence a Google Burrito)?
P.S. I don’t live in the States and have never been there, and therefore do not know what a Chipotle Burrito would taste like.
Google does provide food free of charge to its employees. So, I suppose it is possible that their menu includes burritos at times.