One last comment before going to bed – it is a bad idea to take a battery pack consisting of 4-AA batteries and connect the two leads for an extended period of time, unless you like your batteries hot enough to burn your fingers.
It was not at all intentional on my part – I knew I needed to connect the positive lead from one battery pack to the negative from the other but simply confused the two packs when it came down to doing it.
Anyway … Dr. Meier said that our robots had their birthday if they passed the tests we did in class yesterday. I’ve pretty much decided to name mine the Musickmobile, so mark March 14 on your calendars so you can celebrate his birthday with me a year from now.
I’m a nerd and it’s not a good feeling. Honestly, though, I do like things other than computers. MSOE is just one of those schools that consumes a person.
You’re not a nerd Erich! Some of the wierdos at your school are, but you’re different.
And, rest assured dear brother, we all know what your #2 interest is. 
#2? Unless you’re counting God and his Word as #1, I would rank that interest at #1.
Hopefully that’s more than an interest dear brother. I tend not to rank matters of the divine alongside my hobbies.
#1 I was inferring as computers, and #2 your contemplations, meditations, and reflections on God’s infinite wisdom is creating two forms of bipedal homosapiens… 
Of course!
I would have to disagree with putting computers before women. You’ll run into problems with Sara if you have that kind of attitude.
I thought we were talking about you boss? 😉
Plus, you’ll put ocmputers as #1 once you get a mac. 😛
How you got my boss from “two forms of bipedal homosapiens,” I’m not quite sure.
I’m telling Sara…
No, you’re “boss” – it’s called a nickname.
I was saying, I thought we were talking about you.
Oh sorry. I misread that. That’s what I get for trying to write while taking notes in class.
We are talking about me. But you need to take the log out of your own eye before helping me with the splinter in mine
Ha! We still haven’t reasoned that I do put anything before Sara. 😉
To be precise, I said when you get a mac. 😀
What, then, is the foundation for your claim that “you’ll put computers as #1 once you get a mac. :P”?
Perhaps…. 😀
Wow… we might be a little too over-analytical for this…