(22:58:35) Stan: Get that picture of my nephew-to-be?
(22:58:38) Me: yeah
(22:58:39) Me: 🙂
(22:58:43) Stan: He’s a ham.
(22:58:52) Stan: My niece-to-be is too, but she knows it.
(22:59:09) Stan: I got stuck baby-sitting this morning, he was tired and hungry – dangerous mix.
(22:59:16) Stan: So, we chanted Matins and the Mass together.
(22:59:19) Me: hahaha
(22:59:24) Stan: I would chant, he’d hum, it was good times.
Blog - Page 8
Jesus walked on Ice???
While on Gmail, I noticed a headline that read Study: Jesus Walked on Ice, Not Water. This is not only a blatant denial of the Scriptures, but goes so far as to attack the essence of who Christ is. Some miracle walking on ice is … I’ve done that only at least a couple dozen times. And how do you explain Peter’s sinking? It wasn’t a result of his walking across a thin patch of ice. Rather, the passage is very clear that it was his lack of faith in Christ to sustain him in this miraculous encounter that led to his sinking.
I would write more, but I should shower and get to bed. I’ve got a busy week ahead of me.
Mic & Mac
Adam showed me this amusing movie this afternoon. If you want a funny perspective on the Mac vs. Windows debate, check it out.
What I would do for a woman…
(17:00:09) Me: i’d dress nice for a girl any day
(17:01:14) Stan Lemon: heh, but not listen to country?
(17:01:19) Me: nope
(17:01:21) Me: well
(17:01:33) Me: i would put up with it but not obsess over it like you do
(17:02:09) Stan Lemon: Erich, what if your unwillingness to like country is stopping you from meeting the person God has divinely set aside for you?
(17:02:18) Stan Lemon: Free yourself, dear brother, from these man-made chains.
(17:02:19) Stan Lemon:![]()
So I guess because I’m too lazy to come up with something of my own to write, I have to throw in random excerpts of conversations I have with my friends.
Adam and I were talking today about how MSOE really makes you miss out on certain aspects of life. Ryan and I have had this discussion too. For those of you who are clueless as to what I mean because you don’t go to MSOE, they keep you so busy with coursework, encourage you to get a job, and then pile on more work once you get one that you really don’t have any time to consider feelings or experience the normal things that students do. Then, when we interact with people (especially women) that don’t go to this institution, we don’t know how to relate because all we ever think about is our engineering stuff and can’t get unstuck from such topics. But really, I’m more concerned not with the inability to relate to others because I think I’m less affected than most people are by this phenomenon, but with the fact that I don’t have the time to feel … to enjoy … to relax … to be a person. I don’t mean to steer you away from MSOE if you feel this is your type of school.
Break starts for me Thursday at 12 pm. That should be good, assuming I don’t get a bunch of stuff to do dumped on to me this week.
(23:50:32) Me: dude my portfolio is 37 pages
(23:50:41) Ryan Atwood: man….
(23:50:53) Me: they’re going to hate me for putting so much in
(23:51:00) Ryan Atwood: hehe
(23:51:07) Ryan Atwood: you will score so high
(23:51:08) Me: just write “A” on top
(23:51:21) Ryan Atwood: that it will carry over back into the negative values
(23:51:27) Me: haha
(23:51:28) Ryan Atwood: like over 4.2 billion
(23:51:29) Me: haha
(23:51:34) Ryan Atwood: or whatever that unsigned int max is
(23:51:36) Ryan Atwood: in c++
I go to MSOE. Need I say more?
Yum, delicious, munch munch munch
I signed up with a del.icio.us account today as I was going through my Inbox trying to clear out old e-mails. It seems a little cumbersome, but it’s better than either e-mailing myself every time I come across a web site I want to keep in mind in future endeavors or adding a bookmark that I’ll, without a doubt, forget to backup and lose the next time my hard drive crashes. Speaking of which, this new laptop of mine has seemed to hold up fairly well so far. I shouldn’t speak too loudly, though, or the laptop fairy might come and mess it up.
This is MSOE
I was working on an assignment this evening and the Internet died. Because I didn’t need the internet, I didn’t really care and kept on working. A few minutes later, everyone started to congregate in the hallways of my floor because they couldn’t play their online games or do whatever it is they normally do online. I find it sad that Owen’s suggestion that the residence halls should shut off the Internet for 30 minutes a week as a community building activity is actually a very grounded suggestion.
Well, that’s MSOE for you.
Vocabulary Builder
I did some searching last night for an application that could quiz me on German vocabulary so that I don’t lose all knowledge of the language before taking German 4 in the fall. I came across a free program called Interlex that I like quite a bit and comes with vocabulary lists for several different languages. I doubt it’s as good as the app for OS X that Stan is crazy about, but I think it’ll do the trick for me.
St. Patrick’s Day
As I pondered the St. Patrick’s Day festivities in which I saw students participating yesterday here in brew town, I was reminded of the following verses in Galatians 5:
16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
19 Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, 21 envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. 24 And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.
As my friend Matt Drzewiecki pointed out after our daily prayer meeting yesterday, it is altogether inconsistent to commemorate a saint by participating in the sinful activities from which Christ came to set us free.
Hunter Buikema, IVCF staff worker at MSOE during my freshman year, was on campus this afternoon and spoke at our large-group Oasis meeting this evening. I spent about an hour talking to him leading Bible study and my experiences with Lydia. While I don’t know that I ever thought of Hunter as a huge role-model in my life, I have come to realize this evening that I really miss having someone in my life like him that I can look up to. Sure, I’ve got lots of amazing friends and a great family, but there’s something different about having a friendship with someone older yet still relatively close in age (as opposed to, say, my parents :-)) … someone who will challenge me in ways that my friends won’t (regarding, for example, witnessing) and someone who has wisdom from years of experience beyond what my peers have. It made me think back to my involvement in West Chicago Bible Church’s Omega youth group in high school and long talks I had with Bryan Lasky. I know some of my friends, such as Andy Laib and Eric Evenson have “mentors” they meet with on a weekly or bi-weekly basis for this type of instruction and so forth. So, I now think it would be cool if I could do something like that … there’s just the issue of the other commitments that gobble up my time.