Blog - Page 9

The Joys of Java

So I was working on Project Foundry stuff today and spent an hour or two trying to figure out why an object did not contain the data that I expected it to have. The query was executing correctly, returning the correct results and even populating the object correctly. Somewhere along the line, though, the data was getting lost. I finally realized that it was because of Java’s all-pointer approach. I added this user object to a response object and then populated it with some other data. Since adding the user object to the response didn’t actually clone the object but just sent along a memory address, successive changes to the user object caused a change in all “copies” of the object. I changed the user class so that it implements the Cloneable interface and that solved my problem.

Anyway … it’s another late night and I’m not sure how much sense I’m making, so I’m going to shower and go to bed.

Car in a Box fun

One last comment before going to bed – it is a bad idea to take a battery pack consisting of 4-AA batteries and connect the two leads for an extended period of time, unless you like your batteries hot enough to burn your fingers.

It was not at all intentional on my part – I knew I needed to connect the positive lead from one battery pack to the negative from the other but simply confused the two packs when it came down to doing it.

Anyway … Dr. Meier said that our robots had their birthday if they passed the tests we did in class yesterday. I’ve pretty much decided to name mine the Musickmobile, so mark March 14 on your calendars so you can celebrate his birthday with me a year from now.

I’m a nerd and it’s not a good feeling. Honestly, though, I do like things other than computers. MSOE is just one of those schools that consumes a person.


I have a tendency to be a very stubborn, persistent perfectionist and I can thank that aspect of my character for keeping me up late tonight. My dad has been doing a lot of work with Protect Marriage Illinois lately. They’re working on getting signatures for a petition to allow the people of the state to vote on an amendment to the state’s constitution that defines marriage as a legal union between a man and a woman. Because people are already going to be out and about and have somewhat of a politics-mindset next week during the March 21 primary elections, he’s working on organizing volunteers who can collect signatures from a legal distance away from various polling places. In order to help facilitate the organization of these volunteers, he wanted an online form where people could sign up for the location and time(s) they were planning to gather signatures. So, I spent several hours this evening working on this little project.

How exactly I was going to tie this to persistence and stubbornness, I’m not quite sure. I think I was going to comment on my desire to avoid leaving things hanging and my inability to relieve myself from focusing on the task at hand. I was planning to go running about 9:30, then 10, then 10:30, and so on, until my brain was totally fried (and I was basically done with the project) at midnight. Running cleared my mind and I was able to import the list of polling places in DuPage County, a task that I was struggling with before got out. I also spent 15 or 20 minutes tweaking little things about the appearance and structure of the HTML code generated by the script I wrote … even down to the indentation of the HTML source. I guess it’s proof I’m a software engineer if I spend a significant amount of time making sure the generated code is tabbed out nicely.

I have decided against providing a link to this signup form, as the strong opposition my dad and his colleagues have encountered suggests to me that were the URL to get in the wrong hands, someone would spam it and make my life crazier than it already is. If you want to participate in gathering signatures, see the Protect Marriage Illinois web site for details on how you can help.

My dad told me that an Episcopal priest told him that what he’s doing is hateful toward homosexuals. I’m thankful I don’t have opportunities to respond to people like this, as I have a tendency to burst out and become upset easily. But, I would like to comment that it is absolutely absurd to claim that it is hateful to preserve marriage as God defined it in Genesis 2:24, which states, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." It is unnatural (Romans 1) for men to be with men and women with women.

Anyway … I would write more but it’s getting really late. I miss writing, but either have little to write about, or am too busy or too tired to post.

Welch Belch

I was writing an e-mail to Dr. Welch, my SDL staff group’s advisor and before sending, Thunderbird’s spell checker popped up with the following suggestion for his name:

Really, it’s not all that funny at all 2 minutes later and I don’t know why I am posting this. But, eh, maybe someone will find it amusing. If I’m going to take the time to write, I should write something meaningful. Maybe I’ll give that a shot later.

El Fin de Spring Break

Well, my first “spring break” is nearing a close as bedtime approaches. For those of you who don’t know, MSOE is on the quarter (trimester) system and we therefore get breaks at slightly different times from everyone else.

We got a nice snowfall today to end off my spring break. I can’t complain, though. Because of the lack of snow we’ve had this winter, a little bit here and there makes for a nice change. I put some shots of the snow up on Facebook.

I’d like to say more about my break – go into detail about some of my activities – watching the third season of Fox’s 24, working, church, just to name a few – but I’m feeling pretty tired from my overall lack of sleep. I slept 8 hours last night and took 2-3 hours of naps this afternoon but already feel prepared to go to bed.

Anyway, if you want to know more, let me know. I’d like to update my schedule on here before too long and post a few papers I’ve written recently, but we’ll see how busy I am this week.


So, Software Engineering has finally gotten the best of me. I was writing a sequential list of eight numbers. Instead of starting at one, I began with zero, as one would index an array. It took me until I got to three before I realized what I had done.

Someone save me!

The Gift that Lasts Forever

The MSOE Marketing and Public Affairs department has used a picture of me, once again. The most recent issue of Dimensions contains an insert with the heading “The Gift that Lasts Forever,” under which is a picture of me. Granted, I’m just there to make the brochure look nice and it’s really giving details on donating money for endowed scholarships, but it’s still cool to be able to say that I’m the gift that lasts forever.

The Gift that Lasts Forever

Google Burrito

So while we were out eating at the mall tonight, Jon Dickman commented that the only way a burrito better than Chipotle‘s could be made would be if Google made it.

New Law

With the high rate of attacks on women in secluded parking lots, especially during evening hours, the Minneapolis City Council has established a “Women Only” parking lot at the Mall of America. Even the parking lot attendants are exclusively female so that a comfortable and safe environment is created for patrons.

View the first picture available.

Code Monkey

Monday in SDL, Jake called me codemonkey and it kinda stuck. Then today, I kept eating Taylor’s peanuts was called code squirrel.

As a result, you can IM me now at CodeSquirrel84

I should make a real post one of these days. I have too much going on.